Fabula Vestimenta looking back on Faerytale Fashion

an interview with Natasja Dymphina, owner of Fabula Vestimenta and this blog-site Why Fabula Vestimenta? This is a very broad question. With Fabula Vestimenta I am making a restart. In 2004 I started my own brand: Faerytale Fashion. This brand grew from a hobby and became a small company, but it never really lifted off. In 2008 I put Faerytale Fashion on pause, because I started a study in philosophy at Erasmus Rotterdam University, which I continued in a master at Antwerp University. Now I found that the identity from Faerytale Fashion did no longer suit me, so I changed my brand around, with a fresh name, identity and ideology. What is the main difference between Faerytale Fashion and Fabula Vestimenta? You could say: the name, but that is not true at all!Both names have the same meaning. Still I decided to rename my brand. I have matured, and so…

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