Consu-More to Consu-Less (Consu-Meren naar Consu-Minderen)

A lot of people are saying that things have to change, that the current way of capitalist economy is literally draining the earth from its resources and 170 years ago Carl Marx recognized that capitalism in its current form would never close the gap between rich and poor, but would keep enlarging this gap. How I wish I could say he was wrong about this, but it is safe to say that 170 years after the publication of his Manifesto, that he was right on that topic. I am not saying that everything in there should be treated like the Holy Bible. And after a close reading of Spinoza’s work I am not so sure that that story needs to be left alone either – there is most certainly room for interpretation and critique on either of those books. But only one of those tells us something about the slave-labor…

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